September 29, 2019

Captain Marvel 👍

I suppose you must have been told you can't or shouldn't do something because you are "just a ---", to get this movie.

IMDb 7 - Rotten Tomatoes 78%
Production budget: $152,000,000
"Total Lifetime Gross" $1,128,274,794    

V Bechdel test
Yes, there are several women who talk about things other than men with each other.

V Mako Mori Test

V Sexy Lamp Test

V The Crystal Gems Test

Carol, Wendy, Maria, Monica.
Carol speaks with all of them, Carol passes all the tests, none of them can be replaced with a sexy lamp, and all of these ladies have their own story arch (perhaps not Monica - yet...)

FFF F-Rating

V Sphinx Test

V The Feldman Score 2

A movie passes with a score of five or higher: Captain Marvel has female writers, director, composer, two female producers and some female department heads (yes, more than three), a female protagonist, who was victimized, but not stereotyped or sexualized, I think. 8 points?

V Furiosa Test

Oh, yeah. Especially when Brie Larson said something about there being too many white men in movies. :-D
Then there was someone crying over the fact that women aren't waiting to be rescued any longer. "they are changing their glass slippers into combat boots". And I'm like "would you rather get into trouble with someone you need to rescue or with someone who could actually help you to get out of the trouble alive?" It's really funny, when masculinists are trying to collect pity points for most soldiers being men AND at the same time try to force women stay out of the army, because it's for guys. X-]

V The Roxane Gay Test

A woman's story is being told. There are other intelligent and interesting women in the story. Not everyone is white. She can tell her story without being romantically involved in anyone. Her story is naturally unbelievable, but Maria's story is quite realistic.

V Women in Refrigerators test

**The Maisy Test for sexism in kids' shows

O Gender Balance - Gender Representation:

There are more males than females in this movie. Unfortunately. :-( I would say they are equal, though there is quite a lot of the misogyny I know from my own upbringing. That just makes me love Carol more.

I think the primary roles are about 50/50... there's Carol, of course, Yonn-Rogg, Supreme Intelligence, a female, as we see it, Talos, Nick Fury, Maria, and Lawson/Mar-Vell.
There it ends. There's speaking roles for women and 45 for men. Now, 6 of the female roles are for Carol and Maria at different ages. most male roles are characters like soldiers and agents.

There's interesting things about this I haven't been aware of before now... Battle of the Super Sexes

And they give this information about movies: Director, Lead superhero, Producers, Named characters, screentime and movie poster billing position.
So - Brie Larson is 1st on the billing - of course. Samuel L. Jackson 2nd and... Djimon Hounsou 3rd. Huh? Ben Mendelsohn/Talos and Jude Law/Yon-Rogg are 4th. Gemma Chan/Minn-Erva and Lee Pace/Ronan gets the next place, and then comes Lashana Lynch/Maria and Annette Bening/SI/Lawson. I mean... why are Minn-Erva and Ronan even depicted on the movie poster? And why isn't Mar-Vell? (One positive thing about this is that Minn-Erva is played by an ethnically Chinese actress.)

V Gender Freedom:

Perhaps not quite as clear pass for guys.

V Gender Safety:

Well... there's a lot of violence. Not everyone is safe. People die.
Body shapes are healthy and realistic, though... there isn't much variation.
There's quite a lot of misogyny there... I mean... that's our reality. She doesn't let it stop her, though. And as a character, I think males and females are treated equally and with respect.

Now... about the conventional beauty... I don't think Brie Larson is that beautiful. Or, more precisely, she is beautiful the way most people are, not the miss America kind of beauty. I don't think Samuel L. Jackson is handsome. Jude Law is both handsome and beautiful. I think Annette Benning used to be, but isn't any longer. I think Lashana Lynch is very beautiful.

V Social Justice and Equality:

There aren't that many marginalized groups being represented. It's not an all white cast, though, and I suppose that's always something.
Does the movie support equality and social justice? Yes... I suppose it does. It tells to do what one knows to be right, question your leaders and mentors, get up when you are being pressed down, not let people or circumstances get in your way, to never give up on your goals and what you know to be right... not just accept the "truth" fed to you.

X The Uphold Test

V The Rees Davies Test

X The White Test

V The Hagen Test

X The Koeze-Dottle Test

V The Peirce Test

V The Villarreal Test

V  The Landau Test

V The Tauriel Test

V The Willis Test

V Molly Haskell test

Female role models; mothers, teachers, mentors

Not very stereotypical roles, but there is one problem here. The heroine is a superheroine, with super powers, totally exceptional and more powerful than anyone around her. Her mentor was also not an ordinary woman. But her best friend and this friend's daughter are.

The subject, theme, genre of the movie is action and science fiction.

I don't remember if she ate anything in the movie...

V the MacGyver Test
V the Raleigh Becket Test

V Puer Aeternus – Peter Pan syndrome – Man-child

X Kuku test

This test is so stupid. :-D Kuku, indeed. But - it is out there, so...

There's a lot of people who are treated as disposable, nameless soldiers, and most of them are male. Now, is this a misandric detail saying males are disposable, or is it a misogynic detail, there because the roles were given to males and not females?
Yes, there are males who act for women's benefit. There are also females who act for men's benefit.
The movie doesn't relate everything negative to males and positive to females.

I don't see much sexualisation, sexual objectification of either gender, some sexual abuse (sexism, Carol and Maria had to fight the misogyny of the society, being undervalued and underestimated all the time for being women in "men's world", but no rape or so.)

Age of actors

Brie Larson (Carol Danvers) 30
Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) 71
Ben Mendelsohn (Talos) 50
Jude Law (Yon-Rogg) 47
Annette bening (Mar-Vell) 61
Lashana Lynch (Maria Rambeau) 32


B The Representation Test

V Kent test
X The Duvernay Test

X Aila test

X The Waithe Test

Is Maria in a position of power?

V The Ko Test

X The Villalobos Test

So - how could it be better?

To pass the Kuku test, NOTHING a male character does may benefit a female in any way.
Yeah... I said it is stupid :-D
It was created by some idiot to be the masculinist version of the Bechdel test :-D
And then they wonder why we find them totally ridiculous and impossible to take seriously.

Apart from that, more women in crew and cast.
More roles for people who aren't white and able-bodied. I adore Jude Law, but - there's tons of actors in Hollywood who could have done just as good job.
And I think Brie Larson did a good job, and Captain Marvel in comic books IS a white woman... but why? It would have been even better with Monica as Captain Marvel. But I suppose they couldn't do that after Black Panther. :-( "You can't give those people too much power" or something. :-( It would have been amazing.

More roles to LatinX
More disabled people.
More fat people. And every other shape of people, too. Tall and short, fat and skinny, apples and pears, flat chested women and men with moobs.

Make it obvious that Carol and Maria are a couple.

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