Now, I only give this movie thumbs up because Mako's role IS very good. THERE ARE SOME SERIOUS ISSUES, THOUGH.
V Mako Mori Test
Now, some people question whether this movie passes Mako Mori test because a man plays a big role in Mako's character arc, but the thing is that her story isn't supporting a man's role. She has her own role.
V Sexy Lamp Test
X “The Crystal Gems” Test
X F-Rating
V Sphinx Test
V The Feldman Score 5
X Furiosa Test
V The Roxane Gay Test
Hmm... is her world inhabited by women? Doesn't seem to be many there. Humankind might have bigger problems than some Kaiju. Not enough women to birth babies.
I'm going to give it a pass.
V The Maisy Test for sexism in kids' shows
X Gender Balance - Gender Representation:
There is seriously not enough women in this movie. The women are depicted as equals, but there just isn't enough of them.
Narrator male
the ratio of male actors vs female actors
named characters: 46/10
unnamed: 19/6
Now, I think there were 2 major female roles and 2 minor, like computer voice, newscaster etc.
I think there were 7 major roles for males. Half of them could easily have been for women.
X The Uphold Test
on-set crew: 130/16
The crew is ENORMOUS and about 4/1 ratio
X The Rees Davies Test
No - Location Management and transportation deparment... ouch. Almost.
X The White Test
Not even close
X The Hagen Test
Most if not all one-scene roles and extras went to men. There were a couple of female soldiers, some citizens... most people in this movie were men.
X The Koeze-Dottle Test
Mako Mori has about 35 minutes screentime. I don't know about how much screentime the rest of the cast got. It felt like mostly fighting scenes between monsters and machines.
V Gender Freedom:
V The Peirce Test
V The Villarreal Test
V The Landau Test
V The Tauriel Test
V The Willis Test
Sort of. Sort of not, though. Even though it's quite possible to imagine this film with mostly female cast and have the few males in the female roles from this movie, there are still a couple of problems. These jaegers seemed to take quite a lot of physical power to maneuver. Also, I don't know how much strength one needs on a wall building site.
Also, I thought the "father"'s protectiveness seemed typically male towards a female. But I have no problems imagining a mother trying to protect her son the same way.
I don't remember seeing a woman eating in this movie. The men ate. Or some of them. (Or plaid with their food.)
The female gender roles weren't especially traditional. The male roles, on the other hand, were a bit conservative.
Now, the hero was very supportive of the female lead.
We had some good fathers, but no mothers.
The female lead was kind of one of the primary male's daughter.
The woman didn't need to sacrifice anything, though she lost her family when she was very little, and then she lost her surrogate dad.
She didn't need to choose between a career and a man, and she wasn't competing for a man.
According to the classic ideas, she was a "bad" woman. Independent and equal to men, in the military, not a SAHM.
Now... was she punished? I don't know... Because she did lose her family. Twice. On the other hand, she gets promoted.
She doesn't seem to have any friends or family.
She is set apart from other women and other people. She is "the best" and she is "boss"'s daughter, and she isn't allowed to get into trouble, even though she is obviously very good. He is protecting her.
The "role models, mentors, parent figures" are all men.
Mako is an obedient and respectful daughter. She is ready to set aside her wishes and aspirations because her "dad" says no...
Also, there was this "let's make her unconscious and let's catapult her out of harm's way" thingy. Women in Tupperware boxes... >:->
Now, in the boys' memory there is the mother, who is very stereotypical... she seems to be from the 70s, wearing a skirt in every scene, carrying a platter to the table, tucking someone to bed, and the father is wearing a cardigan or pullover vest and glasses, or something like that. It's really funny, it looks like my childhood, and it's 2018, and I'm 49 :-D The brothers were not middle-aged :-D So they would be more like my nephews and I am pretty sure there are not many 20-something guys out there with a childhood like that. I'm pretty sure, though, that that is Guillermo del Toro's childhood. He's just 5 years older than I.
X the MacGyver Test
V the Raleigh Becket Test
It would be interesting if Raleigh Becket didn't pass Raleigh Becket test :-D
V Gender Safety
I have some problems with the suits. Diving suits don't have breasts. They have a slight curve. But - whatever.
There was no objectification, sexual assaults, sexualization of anyone. There was some bare male upper body, though.
Age of primary and secondary actors?
Charlie Hunnam: 33
Rinko Kikuchi: 32
Idris Elba: 41
V Social Justice and Equality:
I let it pass simply because there ARE POC in central roles. Not enough, of course, and there could have been more diversity. Too many able-bodied white men.
Also, I don't think anyone was commenting things like the environment or social structures or any such things.
V The Representation Test B
One could think it deserves a bonus point for the director being a Latino...
X Kent test
6 out of 7 ain't bad... but not pass.
"Must have at least one interaction with another woman/femme of color"
X Aila test
X The Waithe Test
V The Ko Test
X The Villalobos Test
What would make it better?
Obviously, MORE FEMALES!!!
There needs to be more speaking roles, women speaking to each other, more women in the crew, especially in the on-set crew, more colored women, disabled people, fat people... Could we have some Indigenous people, please? I don't care if they are tokens, some of the best achievements were tokens and one-liners. Rita Hayworth got her chance with a one-liner. (She BTW was Mexican...)
Let Mako have more action, especially in the climactic scene. He didn't need to catapult her to safety. She didn't need to be protected and saved so much. She didn't need to be sheltered.
Also, more women in science. When most of the weapons systems are digital, electronic and engineering, men's physical strength plays no role. Let us see more women in engineering and science!
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